Service Offers
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Free to customer- complete visual state of health check of vehicle fluids, components and safety item
Includes: complete vehicle inspection of all major components. Computerized "report card" issued at end of inspection to inform you of your vehicles state of health.
IMPROVE THE AIR YOU BREATH INSIDE YOUR CAR!!! Replace micro filter that removes dust and pollen. Perform complete interior ""MIST"" service to remove most allergens from the air that enters a vehicles ventilation system. ""MIST"" kills any living micro bacterial growth internal to vehicles interior. Effectively helps reduce airborne particles including pollen and road dust.
Inspect point or terminals for leaking or corrosion. Inspect cables for damage or corrosion. Inspect battery case for damage (cracks or holes in bottom). Ensure battery condition for proper mounting with hold-down assembly. Plus tax, if applicable. Present offer at time of service.
Wiper Blade Rebate
Up to a $30 rebate* on the purchase of three select ACDelco Wiper Blades
Eligible brands are ACDelco Original Equipment ($10 rebate per wiper blade), ACDelco Gold ($7.50 rebate per wiper blade) or ACDelco Silver ($5 rebate per wiper blade).
Coupon Code: 308
Battery Rebate
Up to a $20 rebate* on the purchase of one select ACDelco Battery
Eligible brands are ACDelco Gold ($20 rebate per battery) or ACDelco Silver ($10 rebate per battery).
Coupon Code: 309
Cabin Air Filter Rebate
Up to a $15 rebate* on the purchase and installation of one select cabin air filter
Eligible brands are ACDelco Original Equipment ($15 rebate per cabin air filter) or ACDelco Gold ($10 rebate per cabin air filter).
Coupon Code: 314
Engine Air Filter Rebate
Up to a $15 rebate* on the purchase and installation of one select engine air filter
Eligible brands are ACDelco Original Equipment ($15 rebate per engine air filter) or ACDelco Gold ($10 rebate per engine air filter).
Coupon Code: 315
6-Quart ACDelco GM OE dexos1® Full Synthetic Oil Change and Tire Rotation on most vehicles*
Coupon Code: 202
8-Quart ACDelco GM OE dexos1® Full Synthetic Oil Change and Tire Rotation on most vehicles*
Coupon Code: 212
ACDelco Silver Front Brake Rotors installed on most cars & small SUVs*
12 Months/Unlimited Mile Warranty**
Coupon Code: 214
ACDelco Silver Front Brake Rotors installed on most trucks and full-size SUVs*
12 Months/Unlimited Mile Warranty**
Coupon Code: 215
Tire Rotation and MPVI*
Regular Tire Rotations Can Help Extend The Life Of Your Tires
Coupon Code: 278
Most ACDelco Gold 36-Mo AGM Batteries Installed*
36-month free-replacement limited warranty**
Coupon Code: 279
Tire Rotation
with Complimentary Brake Inspection
Coupon Code: 44
Battery Test and Inspection
Inspect point or terminals for leaking or corrosion. Inspect cables for damage or corrosion. Inspect battery case for damage (cracks or holes in bottom). Ensure battery condition for proper mounting with hold-down assembly. Plus tax, if applicable. Present offer at time of service.
Coupon Code: 9